Lithium batteries are batteries containing metallic lithium as an anode mainly used in long life and critical devices.
Why lithium batteries are preferred
-They have high energy Density.
-Long Shelf life.
-Constant output Voltage Vs time.
Rechargeable batteries are composed from lithium-ion or lithium polymer.

A battery cell consist of:

Lithium Metal Anode
Electrolyte Liquid Cathode
Carbon Electrode
Fiberglass Separators
Stainless can (-ve Terminal)
Positive Terminal
GMS (Glass to Metal Seal)
Passivation is a phenomena happening internally in the battery its a thin layer on the surface of the anode it serves to protect the lithium battery from discharging on its own when the load is removed from the cell and help to increase the shelf life of the battery.

is the procedure of removing the passivation layer, it is by placing a resistance or a constant load for a short period of time exceeding the de-passivation recommended time with the specific load can lead to battery heat and there for it may explode.
Battery performance and safety can be affected by storage conditions.
-Temp ≤ 23 C
The higher the temp the faster the battery will self-discharge, can cause heat to the battery and cause the passivation layer to be thicker.
-Humidity ≤ 80%
-The longer the storage the thicker the passivation layer will gets.
-Stored in stand alone building or banker for safety.
-Apply FIFO (First in first out).
-Always insulate terminals.
-Use approved packaging materials.
-Do not store new batteries with Used or Depleted one.
-Store away from any Flammable material or source.
-Limited access only to authorized personal.

Lithium Batteries is very hazard must be handle with caution specially if the size of the battery is big.
The batteries contain:
-Thionyl chloride a corrosive and toxic liquid.
-Lithium metal a flammable material in presence of water/moisture.

Lithium + Water:
–May spontaneously ignite. Heat and hydrogen gas are emitted during the reaction.
Lithium Batteries + Fire or Heat above specifications:
–Leading potentially to fire or explosion with flying metal debris.
Thionyl Chloride + Water or Humid Air:
–Decomposes quickly into sulfur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen chloride (HCL), which are toxic and corrosive.
Thionyl Chloride + Heat above 140°C (284°F):
-Decomposes to release chlorine and sulfur monochloride gases, slow reaction.
Always Wear proper PPE specially when handling big lithium batteries.
Keep batteries away from fire, Water/moist.
Do not short circuit the terminals.
Always follow the correct De-passivation procedure.
Don't Abuse the battery Drop, Hit and Crush.
Always review the MSDS of the batteries to know more details about the battery and its safety handling and first Aid help.
If you detect any Hazard follow the emergency response plan of lithium batteries.