The Robot kinematics based on 5-bars linkages mechanism.
The mechanism controlled by two servo/stepper motors which is moving synchronously to get a certain position of end effector.
This mechanism is planar mechanism working in 2D area (X, and Y).
Inverse Kinematics

Simply the input of inverse kinematics is the position of end effector (Xp, Yp), then the output will be the angle of each motor drives the mechanism (Ѳ1, Ѳ2).
After that it will be very easy to control the mechanism and move the end effector with a certain path.

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Robot Work Space

As per the mechanism dimensions the following figure describes the exactly work space of the end effector.
Increasing the are of work space means changing in the mechanism dimensions.
Download the "Mechanism Work Space" file from 3D model link and learn more about how to get the work space area.